

What an emotional day haha. It basically consisted of OTH until 7 and then from there was when the water works ran. Went to go kick it with the best of the best JUSTIN and we were both having similar problems sooooo.. we decided to hit up the hill. And then that whole rush hit me. That rush where the cold wind hits your face and confusing the smoke I exhaled hitting J in the face. I stood in the middle of the compass directions and stared at city lights. Why does the South end have more lights than North end? Oh right cause North end's the Ghettttttttto hahaha. Anyways, I stood there. Totally lost on what's happening in my life right now. There was nothin goin good for me. Content, but definitely not good. I realized how great I can have it if I push myself. Kinda glad I blew up today. Sick of facing everything with my mouth and eyes shut. Anyways, the day ended good. Toked one with J, Momo and Paula and helped J get a boyfriend. That's supposed to be funny.